20 jun
Cilji in projekti varstva ogroženih ptic Švice - The Swiss recovery programme for birds: aims and projects

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V Švici je 40 % vrst ptic uvrščenih na Rdeči seznam. Leta 2003 so na Švicarskem ornitološkem inštitutu v sodelovanju s švicarskim BirdLife partnerjem in Nacionalno agencijo za okolje začeli z izvajanjem varstvenega programa za ogrožene vrste ptic. Cilj programa je zaustaviti populacijske upade z vrstno specifičnimi akcijskimi načrti in varstvenimi ukrepi. Na predavanju bodo predstavljene aktivnosti tega varstvenega programa in konkretni primeri varstvenih projektov v okviru programa.

40 % of bird species in Switzerland are Red-listed. In 2003 the Swiss Ornithological Institute, together with BirdLife Switzerland und the National Agency for Environment, started a recovery programme for endangered bird species. The goal of the programme is to stop population declines by adopting species specific action plans and conservation measures. We give an insight into the programme activities and present some of the ongoing recovery projects.