Nives Kovač

Assoc. Prof. Dr. NIVES KOVAČ

senior scientific associate


+386 (0)5 9232 903

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Areas of interest:

Pollution of coastal waters

Photochemical transformations of natural and model polymers

Biogeochemical processes in hypersaline areas





 I received my bachelor's and Master's degrees from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology, University of Ljubljana (UL, Slovenia) in 1990 and 1994. In 1999 I have obtained my Ph.D. in Chemistry from Faculty of Chemistry and chemical engineering (UL). 

 I am currently employed as a lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the Faculty of Education, University of Primorska (PEF, UP) and as a researcher (Senior Research Fellow) at the Marine Biological Station (department of the National Institute of Biology - NIB). In the period 2000-2012, I have also participated in the teaching process at the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport (UL). 





As a researcher I take part in a research program of Marine Biological Station (MBS) i.e. "Coastal marine research (financed by Slovenian Research Agency - ARRS)" and I participate in many national and international projects. I am also included in the educational research work carried out in the framework of the PEF (UP). 

My professional skills and experience (more than 20 years) in the field of basic and applied marine research involve different topics such as: 

- transformation of suspended matter during sedimentation in the water column

- composition and transformation of marine macroagreggates and their role in carbon cycling

- pollution of coastal waters

- study of photochemical transformations of natural and model polymers under the influence of natural and artificial light

- study of biogeochemical processes in hypersaline areas with an emphasis on the study of transformations and composition of salt pan mud and microbial layers (petola) in Sečovlje pans 

- research in accordance with the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC) 





 My teaching experiences include: 

- biology and chemistry course in the primary and secondary school

- professional development courses for educators 

- undergraduate education; Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport (University of Ljubljana), science courses: environmental protection, materials in transport, marine pollution 

- undergraduate education; Faculty of Education, University of Primorska (since 2011), science courses: natural science, early learning of science

- mentoring experience




 Most of the results of scientific and educational research are published in internationally acknowledged journals and their list is accessible through this link.