Biotechnological Hub of the NIB (BTH-NIB)

The purpose of the investment project BTH-NIB is the assurance of the appropriate infrastructural conditions for the use of research and developmental opportunities in the fields of operation of the NIB.

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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valentina Turk EX_EMPLOYEES

Working place: Scientific Councillor

Department: Marine Biology Station Piran


Academic training

1992 Ph.D. Microbiology, University Umeå, Umeå, Sweden

1991 M.Sc. Ecology, University of Ljubljana

1980 B. Sc. Biology, University of Ljubljana

Present affiliation

2010 - Professor, University of Nova Gorica

2003 - Senior research Scientist - National Institute of Biology 

Professional Experience

2000 Fulbright scholarship - SCRIPPS Institute of Oceanography, University of California, USA

1996 Scientific cooperation - CNRS project (France/Banyuls sur Mer)

1992 Scholarship University Umeå, Sweden 

1989 Sholarship University Umeå, Swedish/Yugoslav cooperation 

field experience/research cruises: Skagerrak (RV »Argos«), Expedition Medusa3 (RV »Sagitta«), Mljet island, Croatia; open waters S Adriatic (R/V »Naše More«) Croatia

Appointments - Teaching

University of Nova Gorica, School of Environmental Sciences; Graduate study program Environmental Sciences ; School of Viticulture and Enology;

University of Primorska Joint study - Marine Biology: Microbial Oceanography

Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI) - Marine Environment of the Mediterranean Sea




Participation in research program:

P1-0237 Raziskave obalnega morja 


Participation in research projects in Slovenia:

  • V1-0484 Biološki elementi za določitev ekološkega stanja površinskih vodnih teles
  • J1-1300  Organski polutanti v bioloških virih slovenskega morja
  • J1-7385 Trofični gradienti in skopljenost pelagiala z bentosom v polzaprtem zalivu zmerno toplega pasu (Tržaški zaliv, Jadransko morje) 
  • L1-1608 Virus kot faktor pri celični lizi in pojavu cvetenja morja
  • V2―0190 Raziskava o obremenjenosti obalnega morja zaradi onesnaženja
  • 2010- 1000-10-780002 Sofinanciranje uveljavljenega raziskovalca iz tujine (prof. dr. Jure Piškur)
  • 2011-ARRS-RPROJ-JR-Prijava/2010 Genes behind aroma compounds in wine

 More on these projects can be found at this link.

Participation in projects / Projects leading  
Ecohydrological interfaces as critical hotspots for transformazions of ecosystem exchange fluxes and biogeochemical cycling INTERFACES Initial Training Networks FP7-PEOPLE-2'13-INT (Grant agreement No. 607150) 2013-17
Ballast Water Managment system for Adtriatic Sea Protection BALMAS Adriatic IPA 2013-16
Rationally Designed Aquatic Receptos integrated in label-free biosensor platforms for remote surveillance of toxins and pollutants RADAR FP7-KBBE-2010-4 2011-2014
Marine debris removal and preventing futher litter entry MarineClean Eco-Innovation 2010 2011-2014
Cooperative Research on Ecological Interactions in the Coastal Oceans program in the North Adriatic sea: Collaborative international research on gelatinous zooplankton in the Adriatic Sea, Role of bacteria in production and decomposition of colloidal organic matter in the Northern Adriatic CREICO NSF, USA  
Long-Term Pollution monitoring of the Mediterraneane Sea MED POL-PHASE UNEP/ WHO  


 Other areas of expertise and Participation in expert groups:

  • Acted as a expert & consultant for UNEP/MAP and EEA –ETC Water/ EIONET; United Nations Environmental Programme, Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP) for marine pollution indicators, eutrophication problems:  Experts Consultation Meeting to Finalized the Scientific Criteria for Pollution Sensitive Areas in the Mediterranean, Atene, Grčija; Review Meeting of MED POL monitoring activities and the use of indicators (UNEP(DEPI)/MED WG.321 Atene (Greece), 12-14 Dec 2007),CAMP - Coastal Area management Plan, EU Agency for Environment (EEA) (EEA –ETC Water/ EIONET – EUROWATERNET). 
  • UNEP/MAP National MED POL coordinator (since 2013)



Link to COBISS, a Slovenian database containing all my publications