The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Slovenian Research Agency (research core funding No. I0-0004).
The Infrastructural Centre at NIB comprises two integrated programmes, the Infrastructural Centre Planta (IC Planta), which is part of the Department of Biotechnology and Systems Biology, and the Infrastructural Centre MBS (IC MBS) as part of the Marine Biology Station in Piran (MBS). The Infrastructural Centre NIB is co-financed by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) through Infrastructural Program NIB (IP NIB). Each part of IC NIB offers services and equipment to the public and private sector.
The large infrastructural equipment of IC MBS consists of:
• the Research vessel PI-800 Sagita, equipped with the sophisticated navigation and marine research equipment,
• the Oceanographic Buoy Vida, equipped with meteorological and oceanographical instruments (multiparametric CTD and current meter),
• the smaller vessel.
IC MBS supports research and applicative activities for ministries and other public institutions as well as for educational activities carried out at MBP. Technologically advanced and sophisticated infrastructure enable state of the art research at the sea and place IC MBS among the leading centres in the Mediterranean. MBP serves as the National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC). The IC MBS infrastructure assures the high quality of data about sea conditions which are available near to real time.
The large infrastructural equipment of IC Planta consists of:
• Transmission electron microscope (Philips CM100) with CCD camera co-owned by National Institute of Biology (NIB) and the Department of Biology at Biotechnical Faculty (BF) of University of Ljubljana (UL),
• Cryo-ultramicrotome (Leica EM FC6) and ultramicrotome (Leica),
• Confocal stereomicroscope (Leica TCS LSI),
• Real-time PCR instruments (ABI 7900HT Fast, Roche Light Cycler 480 and ABI PRISM ViiA7),
• Digital PCR instruments (Biorad QX100, Biorad QX200 and Fluidigm BioMark HD),
• Robot for pipetting (Hamilton Microlab STARlet),
• Growth chambers for plant and tissue culture breeding (Kambič),
• Plant growth chambers for separate breeding (Kambič),
• Two quarantine greenhouses and
• Supplementary equipment, which is essential for functioning of the large infrastructural equipment.
Additionally, it is possible to use:
• Spectrofluorimeters (SynergyMx, BioTek) and
• System for identification of microorganisms using fatty acid methyl ester analysis by Gas Chromatography (Sherlock Microbial Identification System) that is at the moment located at Biotechnical Faculty (BF) of University of Ljubljana (UL).
IC Planta’s equipment supports research activities, ministries and their inspection bodies, enterprises and educational activities. All large equipment of IC Planta is technologically advanced and carefully, regularly and professionally maintained. The large equipment is also used by other organizations. Training courses are organised for frequent users, and services on the large equipment are offered to those preferring to order the analyses.