Use of mobilized peripheral blood stem cells(mPBSC) for the induction of mixed chimerism and tolerance
15.06.2007, Biološko središče, Predavalnica 3 ob 12:00 dr. Zvonimir Koporc: Use of mobilized peripheral blood stem cells(mPBSC) for the induction of mixed chimerism and tolerance
Gene Silencing Technologies in the Basidiomycetes Coprinus cinereus and Agaricus bisporus
dr. Mary N. Heneghan: Gene Silencing Technologies in the Basidiomycetes Coprinus cinereus and Agaricus bisporus
Chemical sensing in insects
06. 12. 2006 bo ob 10.30 v Biološkem središču v sejni sobi v I. nadstropju predavanje dr. Michel Renou-ja (INRA, Versailles) z naslovom Chemical sensing in insects (Kemično zaznavanje pri žuželkah).
Biomarkers: From Molecular to Cellular biomarkers applied to and ecotoxicology
21. of November 2006, NIB Seminar Room, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana, Teresa Lettieri - Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Ispra, Italia:Biomarkers: From Molecular to Cellular biomarkers applied to and ecotoxicology
Successful study from the Department of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology
Global Knowledge Centre on Crop Biotechnology published a news on study
4th Conference on Experimental and Translational Oncology
22. - 26. March, 2006, Hotel Lek, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, Organized by: Tamara Lah, Gregor Serša and Janko Kos: 4th Conference on Experimental and Translational Oncology
Modelling primary production and nutrient recycling in the lagoon of Venice
22. februar 2006, ob 13.00, Nacionalni Inštitut za Biologijo, Morska biološka postaja Piran, prof. Roberto Pastres: Modelling primary production and nutrient recycling in the lagoon of Venice
Calling for application - consulting firm for ecotourism in Alpine space
Recruitment of a consulting firm (with contact points or association with other consulting firms in Austria, France, Italy and Slovenia) to run a survey that will lead to:
European Networking Summer School (ENSS): »Genomics and Bioinformatics: Exploiting Microarrays in Plant Physiology
22. - 31. August 2005, Večna pot 111, 1000 Ljubljana, National institute of biology: European Networking Summer School (ENSS): »Genomics and Bioinformatics: Exploiting Microarrays in Plant Physiology