FITOGRAFI - exposition of photographies by Department of Biotechnology and Systems Biology
29.10.2008: Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana (main building), FITOGRAFI - exposition of photographies by Department of Biotechnology and Systems Biology
International Summer School on Advanced Biomedical Technologies for Treatment of Osteochondral Defects
On September 14 - 21, 2008, in Piran, Slovenia, the Summer School is organized by National Institute of Biology,
3rd Conference of the International Working Group on Legume and Vegetable Viruses (IWGLVV)
20. - 23. August 2008, Večna pot 111, 1000 Ljubljana, prof. dr. Maja Ravnikar: 3rd Conference of the International Working Group on Legume and Vegetable Viruses (IWGLVV)
The 3rd Meeting of the International Working Group on Legume and Vegetable Viruses
20.8.2008 - 23.8.2008, Večna pot 111, National Institute of Biology, Department of Biotechnology and Systems Biology: The 3rd Meeting of the International Working Group on Legume and Vegetable Viruses
Public tender for a junior research candidate - mentor prof. dr. Vlado Malačič
National Institute of Biology has an open position for a junior research candidate.
Non-immortalized somatic stem cell line derived from human umbilical cord blood
25.03.2008, Nacionalni Inštitut za Biologijo, Biološko središče, Predavalnica B4 at 13:00 Leonora Buzanska ECVAM, IHCP, JRC, European Commission, Ispra, Italy; NeuroRepair Dept, Medical Research Center, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland: Non-immortalized somatic stem cell line derived from human umbilical cord blood
Open job position - Head of the Department Marine Biology Station Piran
National Institute of Biology has an open position for
Regional workshop on BCH
National institute of biology, the Ministry of environment and spatial planning and UNEP GEF
CORINNA project - database of R&D organizations from Alpe Adria region
CORINNA is a project of Institute for Economic Research, Ljubljana, Slovenia to stimulate cross-border cooperation in technology development