WG Infrastructure center MBP

WG Infrastructure center MBP


The Infrastructure centre MBP (IC MBP) is part of the Infrastructure programme of the National Institute of Biology. IC MBP is running since 1995 as a technological core that serves to support researchers and application activities at the Marine Biology Station in Piran.


Infrastructure and research equipment
Staff members
National and international partners
Other activities


Activities and expertise

The Infrastructure centre MBP (IC MBP) is part of the Infrastructure programme of the National Institute of Biology. IC MBP is running since 1995 as a technological core that serves to support researchers and application activities at the Marine Biology Station in Piran. IC MBP Piran has also been operating as an infrastructure centre since 2004. IC MBP consist of large infrastructure equipment that enables a wide range of research and applications in several areas:

- Implementation of national and international research programs and projects

- Implementation of national monitoring of the physico-chemical, oceanographic and ecological status of the sea

- Implementation of expert bases for the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56 / EC) in Slovenia

- Continuous measurements of physicochemical parameters on the Oceanographic Buoy “Vida” and measurements of surface currents and waves. The results are displayed on the website and on mobile applications in near real time

- Continuous measurements of waves and surface currents with a high-frequency radio transmitter throughout the Slovenian territorial sea and display of results on websites in almost real time

- Better understanding of the impact of climate change and anthropogenic pressures on the marine ecosystem

- Providing innovative solutions and support in scuba diving for research purpose

Due to the establishment of the Infrastructure centre MBP, which provides long-term oceanographic data, Marine Biology Station is the National Oceanographic Data Centre.

IC MBP constantly aims to improve and keep up with new technologies. Besides that, we are providing innovative solutions for scientific challenges within coastal oceanography and marine ecology research activities.



Infrastructure and research equipment

Infrastructure and large equipment IC MBP:

- Research vessel PI-800 “Sagita” with research equipment

- Oceanographic buoy “VIDA” equipped with meteo- and oceanographic sensors

- Small vessel Carolina Skiff DLV 258; PI-3930

- High Frequency radar (WERA)

-  Scanning electrone microscope– SEM (Tescan MIRA LMU)

- Diving centre

Other research equipment:

- Total organic carbon and total nitrogen analyzer Shimadzu TOC-L + TN unit

- Elementar CHNS analyzer (Vario MICRO Cube)

- The analyzer for segmented flow analysis (SFA) of seawater samples (Seal Analytical, QuAAtro 39)

- Flow cytometer BD Accuri model C6

- Epifluorescence microscope Olympus BX51

- Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) – C.B.S. Scientific Co., model DGGE-4001

- System for gel documentation - BioDocAnalyze Biometra, model BDAdigital 20

- High Performance/High Pressure Liquid Chromatograph 1260 Infinity, Agilent Technologies

- Gas Chromatography 6890N Network GC System, Agilent Technologies

- Inverted microscope ZEISS Axio Observer Z1, motorised, with fluorescence (additional equipment: digital camera AxioCam MRc5, software AxioVision, PC and monitor)

- Liquid Scintillation Analyzer Tri-Carb 3100TR for detection of the specific activity of alpha and beta radionuclide; PerkinElmer

- Quantitative PCR (Thermo Fisher QuantiStudio 3)

- Multiplate reader Spark (Tecan)



Staff members


Dr. Katja Klun, Scientific Associate, Head of WG Infrastructure centre


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Tristan Bartole, Associate


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Dr. Branko Čermelj, Research Counsellor


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Ana Jančar Lovrič


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Tihomir Makovec, Head of Diving Unit


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Dr. Boris Petelin, Research Associate


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Simone Spinelli, Associate


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Milijan Šiško, Senior Associate


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 Remote boat Čigra


The remotely controlled boat has been designed for measurements of surface ('skin') temperature and conductivity of water in lakes, rivers, seas, and water wells. The boat has a computer which communicates through a wireless link to a computer handled by an operator. This allows continuous monitoring of boat's position, measured quantities and battery status by the diagrams on the screen. The boat's routing is controlled digitally via radio communication with a joystick.


 Prototype of videosladges:


Prototype of videosladges developed for monitoring and evaluation of the status of the habitat types in the circalittoral belt.






MAKOVEC, Tihomir, SALVI, Edvin. System and method of submerged organism detection by rotational laser light : United States Patent application publication, Pub. No.: US 2012/0140082 A1, Pub. Date: Jun. 7, 2012_. 2012.

MAKOVEC, Tihomir. System and method of submerged organism detection by rotational laser light: United States Patent application no. 12/961,956, Dec. 7, 2010. 2010



National and international partners


Institute "Jožef Stefan"

Biotechnical Faculty - University of Ljubljana

ARSO Slovenian Environment Agency

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport

Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale - OGS

Oceanik d.o.o.

HENIGMAN, elektronski merilni instrumenti raziskave, razvoj in produkcija s.p.

DELTA MM Izola d.o.o.



Other activities


You can follow oceanographic data and measurements that are transmitted and gather from Oceanographic buoy “Vida” and HF Radar WERA on the link below:










In the photos (left to right and top to bottom): 


  1. Remote boat Čigra (Photo: archive MBS)
  2. Prototype of videosladges (Photo: archive MBS)
  3. MBS website "Oceanographic data" (Photo: archive MBS)
  4. Research vessel PI-800 "Sagita" (Photo: archive MBS)
  5. Oceanographic buoy "Vida" (Photo: archive MBS)
  6. High frequency radar WERA (Photo: archive MBS)
  7. Small vessel Carolina Skiff DLV 258; PI-3930 (Photo: archive MBS)
  8. Sampling rosette with Niskin bottles (Photo: archive MBS)
  9. Sampling rosette with Niskin bottles (Photo: archive MBS)
  10. CTD microstructure profiler MSS90 Sea&Sun Company (Photo: archive MBS)
  11. Plankton sampling nets (Photo: archive MBS)
  12. Scanning electrone microscope - SEM (Tescan MIRA LMU) (Photo: archive MBS)