Overhaul of the oceanographic buoy Vida
Dear users of buoy data,
The oceanographic buoy Vida will be overhauled by mid-May 2024. On Tuesday, April 2 (or when the sea is calm), we plan to disconnect the instruments on the oceanographic buoy Vida and move the buoy to Marina Portorož on the second day, where major maintenance work will take place. We apologize to all users of the oceanographic buoy Vida website for the loss of data.

Planiran izpad podatkov na oceanografski boji Vida
Danes bodo potekala vzdrževalna dela na strežniku bojinih podatkov buoylink. V času vzdrževalnih del od 30. novembra 2022 15:00 do 1. decembra 2022 8:00 bo strežnik večinoma nedosegljiv, in ne bo sprejemal, procesiral in objavljal oceanografskih in drugih podatkov Boje Vide. Boja bo podatke nemoteno zbirala, ti pa bodo obdelani in posredovani z zamudo, tj. jutri po zaključku vzdrževalnih del.

The absence of oxygen concentration and temperature data at the bottom of the sea
We inform the users that, due to sensor malfunction, data on oxygen concentration and bottom temperature under the oceanographic buoy Vida are not available. In addition, PAR data at the sea surface are not present. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
Boris Petelin

All measuring systems on oceanographic Vida are operational
We wish to inform the users of the Oceanographic buoy "VIDA" website that all measuring systems on the buoy are operating again. The buoy was renovated or it was not operational from 12 November 2018 until 5 April 2019, therefore no data is available in this period. Due to the loss of data, we apologize again to the users.
Branko Čermelj, Vlado Malačič and Boris Petelin

The oceanographic buoy "Vida" is again operational
We are pleased to announce to the users of the Oceanographic buoy "VIDA" website that the work on the repair of Vida is completed. The buoy is operational again - currently are available the data on wind, air temperature and humidity, sea currents and waves. The data on sea temperature and salinity, as well the dissolved oxygen, will be available at the latest within one week.

CTD Seabird SeaCat probe malfunction
Due to a CTD Seabird SeaCat probe failure, the temperature and salinity measurements are not available. We apologize to the web page visitors for the inconvenient. The failure will be repaired as soon as possible.
Damir Deželjin

Izpad podatkov o temperaturi in slanosti morja
Zaradi okvare CT Seabird Seacat sonde od petka, 20. 7. 2018, na spletni strani niso več na voljo podatki o temperaturi in slanosti na površini morja. Obiskovalcem spletnih strani se opravičujemo in se trudimo napako čim hitreje odpraviti.
Boris Petelin

Moten vpogled v podatke boje Vida
Obiskovalcem spletne strani se opravičujemo, ker bo danes, 20.7.2017, in morda tudi jutri moten vpogled v podatke, ki jih posreduje boja Vida.
Boris Petelin

Izpad podatkov o morskih tokovih in valovih
Zaradi tehnične okvare sistema za merjenje morskih tokov in valov na oceanografski boji Vida dne 23.1.2017 ob 4:30 je prišlo do izpada omenjenih podatkov in posledično tudi ne-delovanja prikaza vektorskih grafov na spletni strani.
Okvaro že odpravljamo.
Boris Petelin