Vesna Flander Putrle


Senior Research Associate


+386 (0)5 9232 909

E-mail address:

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Areas of interest:

HPLC analysis of phytoplankton pigments

Analysis of mucilaginous aggregates in northern Adriatic

Determination of ecological potential in heavy modified water bodies

Ballast waters





Knowledge of foreign languages:

Italian, English (active)

Croatian, Serbo-croatian (functional)

German (basic)



○1989-1996 University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical faculty, Dep. of Biology.

Graduation thesis (March 1, 1996), mentor Prof. Dr. Alenka Malej, Address: Successions of invertebrates on initially deep frozen marine sediments.

○1999 University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical faculty, Dep. of Biology.

Master thesis (April 29, 1999), mentor Prof. Dr. Alenka Malej, Address: Biological components of the mucilage in northern Adriatic.

○2003 University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical faculty, Dep. of Biology.

Doctoral thesis (April 18, 2003), mentor Prof. Dr. Alenka Malej, Address: Phytoplankton biomarker pigments as an indicator of the trophic state of the coastal sea.



○1996 (March - October)     - A teacher of science at the Centre curricular and extracurricular activities (CŠOD) with its headquarters in Ljubljana.

○1st November 1996 – - National Institute of Biology Ljubljana, Marine Biology Station Piran

○18.2.-30.9.2002 - University of Nova Gorica: assistant for the course of Ecology for 2nd class of study programme Environment





Projects in which I participated or still participate:

 - Indicators of the ecological status of coastal waters laden with waste water (IOC in MZT; 1999-2001, coordinator Dr. Patricija Mozetič)

- Indicators for the ecological characterization of coastal waters affected by municipal wastewares (UNESCO/IOC SC-214.123.9; coordinator Dr. Patricija Mozetič)

- Assessment of the impact of fish farming to the oligotrophic environment of the Slovenian coastal sea (01IAEA; 2000, coordinator Dr. Nives Kovač)

- CRP project “Mucilage in the sea and possible measures to mitigate the effects” (2001, coordinator Prof. Dr.  Alenka Malej)

- research programme “Research of the Coastal sea” (P1-0237; coordinator Prof. Dr.  Alenka Malej)

- »Bio-filtration and Aquaculture: an evaluation of hard substrate deployment performance within mariculture developments; EU 5th Framework programme: BIOFAQs Q5RS – 2000-30305 (2000- 2003, coordinator Prof. Dr. Alenka Malej)

- MARBENA - Creating a long term infrastructure for MARine Biodiversity research in the European economic area and the Newly Associated states (EU 5th Framework programme; coordinator Prof. Dr. Alenka Malej)

- European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy - BioPlatform (EU 5th Framework programme, EVK2-CT-2001-20009, coordinator Prof. Dr. Lovrenc Lipej)

- “Marine Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning” (MarBEF, GOCECT - 2003 -505446; NoE, 6th EU Framework programme, coordinator Prof. Dr.   Alenka Malej)

- ECASA – An Ecosystem Approach for Sustainable Aquaculture; cofinanced by 6th EU Framework programme (ECASA, 006540; 2004-2007, coordinator Prof. Dr. Alenka Malej)

- Environmental management through the Monitoring and Modelling of Anoxia (EMMA, ENV/IT/00479, coordinator Dr. Oliver Bajt)

- Promotion of Science in 2003 “The Sea: our opportunity and future” (coordinator Dr. Vesna Flander Putrle).

- UNESCO (coordinator Prof. Dr. Alenka Malej)

- Program of definition of the ecological status of the sea in accordance with the Water Framework Directive and participation in the preparation of expert bases for a Directive on Marine Strategy in 2007-2008 (coordinator Dr. Martina Orlando Bonaca)

- Youth Science Program in 2008 (coordinator Dr. Vesna Flander Putrle)

- Information System about the Marine Environment in the Gulf of Trieste (ISMO), INTERREG IIIA, SLO – IT (2000 – 2006, coordinator Prof. Dr. Vlado Malačič)

- Water Framework Directive (WFD 2000/60/EC)

- Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD 2008/56/EC

- ARSO Monitoring of the sea in 2012 (coordinator Dr. Patricija Mozetič)

- Cross-border impact of LNG terminals

- Marina of Portorož

- TRECORALA (Reefs and koraligen in the northern Adriatic: evaluation and sustainable management in the Gulf of Trieste) (CB 155) (coordinator Dr. Martina Orlando Bonaca)

- BALMAS (Ballast water management system for Adriatic Sea protection; 1°str/0005), strategic IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme, 2013-2016, coordinator Dr. Vesna Flander Putrle)



Active membership: 

- 2007-2009 member of the Slovenian delegation to the “Trilateral Ballast Water Management Sub Commission”

- 16.06.2008 appointed as the representative of the NRC (National Reference Centre) for "Marine and Coastal Environment"

- 16.02.2011 appointed as a National Representative of the Management Board of the COST project EMBOS: Development and Implementation of a pan-European Marine Biodiversity Observatory System


Visits abroad and international research expeditions:


- 1997 visit to the Laboratory Arago, Banyuls sur Mer, France, within the framework of French-Slovenian scientific-technical cooperation PROTEUS (Dr. Gustave Cauwet)

- 1997 within the framework of the Slovenian-Croatian scientific-technical cooperation, I was on training at the Institute Rudjer Bošković Institute in Zagreb, Croatia (Dr. Senka Terzić)

- April and November 1998, I participated in an international expedition to the delta of the River Rhone, France with the French research vessel Thethys II (expedition leader Dr. Jean-Jacques Naudin from the Institute Groupment de Recherches "Interactions Continent-Ocean", Observatoire Océanologique, Laboratoire Arago, Banyuls sur Mer, France)

- 1999 (from 29 June to 3 July)I  participated on the last leg (from Maho, Menorca, Spain to Barcelona, Spain) of Transmediterranean cruise (project MTP-II MATER) with the Greek research vessel Aegaio

- May 2008 and May 2009, I participated in an international expedition on the southern Adriatic

- May 2009, I participated in an international expedition to the Mljet island (Croatia) and the Southern Adriatic

- 2013 June; within the framework of the Slovenian-Japanese bilateral we were visiting universities in Hiroshima and Tokyo





Dr. Vesna Flander-Putrle, at the Marine Biological Station of the National Institute of Biology, I'm involved in a wide variety of research of Slovenian coastal waters as well as other parts of the Adriatic sea.

I am an expert on HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) analysis of phytoplankton pigments, both in marine water samples and in samples of phytoplankton cultures as well as in mucilaginous macroaggregates and gelatinous zooplankton endosimbiontih. With HPLC analysis of phytoplankton pigments we can determine the diversity and abundance of phytoplankton communities in the sample, and its physiological state.

With the analysis of phytoplankton pigments in marine water samples exposed to different factors (eg. Impact of fish farms, municipal discharges) we can determine the impact of these factors on the diversity and abundance of phytoplankton communities. With the analyses of sea water samples from different areas of the Slovenian sea we can determine trophic status of coastal waters.

With analyzes of mucilage we determine the evolution and phytoplankton composition of the mucilaginous aggregates of the northern Adriatic. HPLC analysis is very useful for the determination of phytoplankton structure in the aggregates. Precedence over the microscopy is that it can quantitatively determined phytoplankton groups in aggregates and on the basis of this we can destinguish amonga specific shapes and stages of mucilage. We used HPLC phytoplankton pigments analysis in feeding studies of jellyfish Aurelia sp. HPLC phytoplankton pigments analysis is used also in the studies of physiological states of a defined species. In collaboration with researchers from the Institute of Physical Biology, we determined the impact of salinity on the Prorocentrum minimum, which is found in different salinities. Recently, I started with photosynthetic pigments analysis in gelatinous zooplankton endosimbionts.

It is also participate in research of phytoplankton ecology in the natural environment and controlled conditions (enrichment experiments). I also participate in monitoring in the area of oceanographic buoy.

I am the coordinator of strategic IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme project BALMAS ("Ballast water management system for the Adriatic sea protection") for the NIB-MBS, and I am also communication manager of the entire project BALMAS.

I participated in the sampling of Cymodocea nodosa meadows and development of indices.

In the course of my research work, I also participated in 5 international research expeditions.

I have participated in the preparation of expert reports on the potential cross-border impacts of LNG terminals.

I am responsible for the promotional activities of the Marine Biology Station, NIB, as well as educational activities at Marine Biology Station.

I have experience as an assistant for the course of Ecology at the University of Nova Gorica.






 Certificates of education, trainings:


- Diving license CMAS 2*

- Oxygen First Aid Provider (DAN)

- Performed protection training when working with radioactive materials

- Education about liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry

- Effective and persuasive communication

- Pipetting techniques, source of errors in pipetting, and calibration of pipettes

- Rhetoric and public appearance

- Advanced training EXCEL 2007

- Advanced training WORD 2007

- Advanced training POWERPOINT

- Basic Training ACCESS 2007

- Phytoplankton Pigment Analyses (DHI, Danmark)

- Aromatherapist



Advanced study courses:


- MAST (Marine Science and Technology Programme) »Advanced Study Course on the Mediterranean Marine System«; Barcelona (Spain) 4 - 17 July 1999. In frame of the course I participated in the last leg (29 - 3 July 1999) of Transmediterranean Cruise (MTP-II, MATER project) With the Greek Research Vessel R/V Aegaio. 

- Summer School »Baltic Sea: an ecological theatre from ice age to the present day« in frame of Helsinki Summer School; at Tvärminne (Finska) zoological station of the University of Helsinki, 13 – 21 August 2000.

- QUASIMEME Workshop »Analysis of Chlorophyll a in Seawater«; Oostende (Belgium) at MUMM Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences, 1 - 2 July 2002.

- Several different training (Slovenian Science Foundation, the British Council) on the theme "Communicating science and about science".

- »CLEAN COAST« and MARINE MONITORING WORKSHOP; Piran (Slovenia), July 2006

- »Mediterranean Training Course on the Management of Marine and Coastal Invasive Species«; Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt), 3 - 6 February 2008

- Workshop »Phytoplankton Pigment Analyses«; DHI Group (Water, Environment, Health), DHI LAB products, Hørsholm, Denmark, 28 - 29 October 2010

- »Theorethical and Practical Training on Ballast Water Sampling and Analysis for Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement of the BWM Convention and for Scientific Purposes«; Piran (Slovenia), 17 – 18 September 2014





1. CARVALHO, Raquel Negrão, ARUQWE, Augustine, AIT-AISSA, Selim, BADO-NILLES, Anne, BALZAMO, Stefania, BAUN, Anders, BELKIN, Shimshon, BLAHA, Ludek, BRION, Francois, CONTI, Daniela, FLANDER PUTRLE, Vesna, TURK, Valentina, et al. Mixtures of Chemical Pollutants at European Legislation Safety Concentrations: How Safe are They?. Toxicological sciences. an official journal of the Society of Toxicology, ISSN 1096-6080, 2014, [In press], str. 1-48, ilustr., doi: 10.1093/toxsci/kfu118. [COBISS.SI-ID 3160655]


2. MOROVIĆ, Mira, FLANDER PUTRLE, Vesna, LUČIĆ, Davor, GRBEC, Branka, GANGAI, Barbara, MALEJ, Alenka, MATIĆ, Frano. Signatures of pigments and processes in the south Adriatic Pit - project MEDUZA. Acta Adriatica, ISSN 0001-5113, 2012, vol. 53, št. 2, str. 303-322. [COBISS.SI-ID 2691919]



3. FLANDER PUTRLE, Vesna. Phytoplankton composition in the fish farm area: pigment analyses. V: KATTEL, Giri (ur.). Zooplankton and phytoplankton : types, characteristics, and ecology, (Marine Biology). Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers, cop. 2011, str. 141-157. [COBISS.SI-ID 2487631]


Link to COBISS, a Slovenian database containing all my publications