Decay of an invasive ctenophore blooms as a perturbation to the coastal marine microbial community - from molecules to ecosystem - an integrated interdisciplinary approach
Holder: dr. Tinkara Tinta, NIB
Partners: National Institute of Chemistry,
Jožef Stefan Institute
Code: J7-2599
Duration: 1. 11. 2020 - 31. 10. 2023
The authors acknowledge the project J7-2599 was financially supported by the Slovenian Research Agency.
Researchers - link to database SICRIS.
Information about the project: - link to database SICRIS.
Short description
The ultimate objective of our project is to understand the effect of jellyfish blooms, specifically in terms of organic matter (OM) released as jellyfish populations decay, on the natural microbial community and thus, on marine ecosystem functioning and biogeochemical cycles in the ocean. In particularly, we will focus on the invasive bloom-forming ctenophore as perturbation and the potential new, sporadically available, source of dissolved organic matter (DOM) for the natural bacterial community of the invaded coastal marine ecosystem. We will apply an integrated interdisciplinary approach to tackle this problem – from the molecular to the ecosystem scale.
This is a joint Slovenian-Austrian research project.
Slovenian partners are financed by Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS).
Project ID: J7-2599
Duration: 1.11.2020 – 31.10.2023
Austrian partners are financed by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).
Project ID: I 4978/B
Duration: 4.1.2021 – 3.1.2024
Link to the official website of the project: