You are invited to the Open Doors Day at the Marine Biology Station Piran of the National Institute of Biology!
On the occasion of World Oceans Day, we invite you to visit us on Friday, June 7, 2024, at the Open Doors Day of the Marine Biology Station Piran of the National Institute of Biology.
You can take part in guided tours, interactive workshops for children and young people and interesting lectures and presentations.

The Day of open doors at the Marine Biology Station Piran, 7. 6. 2019
We invite you to the Day of open doors at the Marine Biology Station Piran
National Institute of Biology,
on Friday, 7th June 2019, to celebrate the World Ocean Day on the theme
''Together we can protect and restore our ocean''

The Day of open doors at the Marine Biology Station Piran, 8. 6. 2018
We invite you to the Day of open doors at the Marine Biology Station Piran
National Institute of Biology,
on Friday, 8th June 2018, to celebrate the World Ocean Day on the theme
''Keep the Oceans blue - the Sea without plastic''
Open doors day 2017
In occasion of World oceans day 2017 we invite you to celebrate with us Open doors day at the Marine Biology Station Piran of the National Institute of Biology on Friday 2nd June 2017.
The World Oceans Day theme for 2017 is »Our Oceans, Our Future«. The main conservation focus will be on plastic pollution prevention and cleaning the ocean of marine litter.
Guided tours, interactive workshops, lectures and presentations will be organized. All of these and much more to discover!
To find out more click here.

The new web application "Trajectory and hodograph at Buoy Vida"
In the framework of NO IOC in 2016, which among other areas also includes the preservation, development and integration of observing and information system, we developed a web application to display the movement of water masses at the location of oceanographic buoy Vida.

2nd International Research Conference 'One Planet, one ocean'
Na 2nd International Research Conference 'One Planet, one ocean' (Barcelona, 17-21.11.2014) katere soorganizator je IOC-UNESCO, sta bila sprejeta za predstavitev dva prispevka povezana z raziskavami in ocenjevanjem zdravja morij in vplivov klimatskih sprememb.

ICHA 2014, Nova Zelandija
Od 27. do 31. oktobra 2014 se je v Wellingtonu na Novi Zelandiji odvijala 16. mednarodna konferenca o škodljivih algah (The 16th International Conference on Harmful Algae), ki jo vsaki dve leti organizira ISSHA (International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae).

"More space for water"
The UNITED NATIONS Association of Slovenia in cooperation with Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO prepared a set of projects, with the aim to raise awareness about the importance of water resources management: a round table on world water day, a contest for mobile information and publication and e-workshop on international year of cooperation in the field of water.