Initial dilution of pollutant that emerges from submarine orifice into a stratified sea
Prof. dr. Vlado Malačič from Marine Biological Station Piran of the National Institute of Biology has been involved in research of the dilution of fecal contaminated meteoric water from municipal discharges into the sea for more than 20 years. In this regard, several reports have been written, as well as articles in reputable international journals. Prof. dr. Malačič also developed a computer program that calculates such dilution.
You can get the source code of the program in Matlab, the data required for it, and the reports and articles related to dilution at the following link.

Piran awaits attendees for the 4th International Conference Ocean Governance for Sustainability
From 25–27 November, 2019 the European COST Action “Ocean Governance for Sustainability – Challenges, Options and the Role of Science” (CA15217) gathers for their 4th International conference in the coastal city of Piran, Slovenia. The conference is hosted by the National Institute of Biology (NIB) under the coordination of the Local Organiser Valentina Turk, Alenka Malej, and Jerneja Penca, who are excited to welcome around 55 participants from 29 countries from science and politics discussing the future of our oceans during a variety of scientific workshops and lectures.

HarmoNIA reached its first milestone!
Project HarmoNIA has reached its first milestone ! One step closer to sharing harmonized data and information on marine contaminants in the Adriatic & Ionian Seas.

The Day of open doors at the Marine Biology Station Piran, 7. 6. 2019
We invite you to the Day of open doors at the Marine Biology Station Piran
National Institute of Biology,
on Friday, 7th June 2019, to celebrate the World Ocean Day on the theme
''Together we can protect and restore our ocean''

The oceanographic buoy "Vida" is again operational
We are pleased to announce to the users of the Oceanographic buoy "VIDA" website that the work on the repair of Vida is completed. The buoy is operational again - currently are available the data on wind, air temperature and humidity, sea currents and waves. The data on sea temperature and salinity, as well the dissolved oxygen, will be available at the latest within one week.
Ocean Governance for Sustainability – Challenges, Options and the Role of Science
Marine Biology Station Piran, Nacional Institute of Biology is organizing the Working Group Meeting of the COST Action OceanGov from 7th till 8th March 2019 in Piran, Slovenia

The Day of open doors at the Marine Biology Station Piran, 8. 6. 2018
We invite you to the Day of open doors at the Marine Biology Station Piran
National Institute of Biology,
on Friday, 8th June 2018, to celebrate the World Ocean Day on the theme
''Keep the Oceans blue - the Sea without plastic''

The participation in ASSEMBLE PLUS project
NIB participates in the ASSEMBLE PLUS project, which started on October 1st, 2017 and will last for four years. Coordinator at NIB is Andreja Ramšak, PhD.

Project details : FISH-AGRO TECH CBC
The project FISH-AGRO TECH CBC, that started on 1st of July 2017, is financed by Interreg Italia-Slovenija 2014-2020 and will last 30 months.