Marine Biological Station has opened its doors to young visitors
Marine Biological Station has opened its doors to young visitors at the nearby World Oceans Day 2014

In November 2013 the Strategic Project BALMAS: BALLAST WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR ADRIATIC SEA PROTECTION started and will end in March 2016. The project involves 17 Partners and 7 Associate Partners from 6 countries around the Adriatic Sea. The Leading Partner is Institute for water of the Republic of Slovenia.

Day of open doors
IVITATION to DAY OF OPEN DOORS on Marine Biology Station Piran on World Oceans Day
on Friday 6th June 2014

Lecture by Prof. Dr. Wonchoel Lee
National Institute of Biology kindly invites you to attend the lecture:
Survey on the meiofauna community in the coastal regions of Korea as a part of "National Investigation on Marine Ecosystem"
by: Prof. Dr. Wonchoel Lee
Department of life science, College of natural sciences, Hanyang University , Seoul 133-791, Korea
The lecture will take place on Friday, the 18th April 2014, at 10 a.m. in the Lecture Hall of the Marine Biology Station, Fornaèe 41, Piran.

At the interface between physics and biology: effects of marine physics on phytoplankton dynamics
Dr. Oliver Ross from the Aix-Marseille University, Dept of Physical & Coastal Oceanography (OPLC), gave a short lecture during his stay at the Marine Biology Station Slovenia.

vacancy at MBP
The National Institute of Biology is offering a fully funded PhD student position within the ITN INTERFACES (Ecohydrological interfaces as critical hotspots for transformations of ecosystem exchange fluxes and biogeochemical cycling). This 3-year position will commence spring 2014.

Invitation to the lecture of researcher Simone Cosoli
On Tuesday, the 10th of December at 12h, Simone Cosoli from National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale) will have a lecture entitled: "Dominant features in the circulation of the Trieste Gulf as revealed by radar, model and ADCP measurements".

Lecture by prof. Dr. Andreas Brand
You are cordially invited to a lecture by prof. dr. Andreas Brand Surface Waters, Eawag, Switzerland entitled: "Vertical transport modeling and lisst a Laser In Situ Scattering Transmissometry (LISST) useful tools in characterizing sediment dynamics".

Invitation to the lecture by prof. Dr. Karin Elisabeth Rengefors
You are cordially invited to a lecture by prof. Dr. Karin Elisabeth Rengefors Aquatic Ecology Unit, Department of Biology, Lund University, Sweden entitled: Speciation, dispers patterns inal, and invasion microalgae