16 feb
Vabljeni na predavanje »Climate Change in the Alpine Zone«, Prof. CRAIG THOMPSON, 21. 9. 2016

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Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo Vas vabi, da se udeležite predavanja:


» Climate Change in the Alpine Zone «,


ki ga bo predstavil



Department of Environmental Science, Western Wyoming Community College, Rock Springs, WY, ZDA


Predavanje bo potekalo v sredo, 21. septembra 2016, ob 15.00 uri,

v Biološkem središču, Večna pot 111, v Ljubljani, v predavalnici B5.




Povzetek predavanja:


Prof. Thompson že več kot 30 let preučuje procese krčenja ledenikov v gorovju Wind River Mountains v zahodnem Wyomingu (ZDA), največjem ledeniškem kompleksu gorovja Rocky Mountains. Na podlagi dolgotrajnega monitoringa kemijskih prvin ter analize globinskih profilov je prof. Thomson jasno demonstriral izredno hitro krčenje ledenikov na tem območju. Trenutno skupaj s prof C.T. Robinson-om, enim izmed vodilnih ekologov na področju raziskav tekočih voda iz švicarskega Zveznega inštituta za raziskave voda in tehnologijo (EAWAG), raziskuje odziv teh krhkih gorskih ekosistemov na krčenje ledenikov.


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Lecture abstract:



Prof. Thompson has been studying processes of glacier recession in the mountain range of Wind River Mountains in Western Wyoming (US) for over 30 years. The Wind River glaciers are the largest glacial complex in the American Rocky Mountains and, by studying chemistry and depth profiles of the ice, Prof. Thompson clearly demonstrated  glaciers’ recession over decades. Currently, he is working together with Prof. C.T. Robinson, one of the world's leading stream ecologists from the Swiss Federal Institute for Aquatic Science and Technology, to investigate the response of these fragile mountain ecosystems to glacier recession.


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